Hoard Meeting

So I like to keep stuff that I get but have gotten better about not getting too much new stuff.

Don’t want to get crushed under the weight of everything that night otherwise be stacked in my house.

Creative uploads trash dumpsters
Or like these neighbors, require a crew to clean up after I am downsized in my old age. One man’s treasure is often a lot of trash.

But I use a lot of my stuff as inspiration or for projects, so that’s not bad. I am unfortunately at the crossroads of wanting to inventory and parse out my archives and that takes time and brain focus away from other things.

So I should have learned about letting go of some things earlier than I did so I would be in better practice now.


P.S. But where can I donate my many old video tapes recorded off tv ? I know what’s on them and like the stuff, even though I don’t needs these copies of most of the shows and movies. It doesn’t seem fair to just toss them….

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