Pointing (Cameras) At Things

That's what photographers do, right? At a most basic level, in hopes of pointing out things. Sure, there are all the technical skills that make your image better, or coherent. Plus a basic understanding of composition, somewhat steady hand, the literal ability to focus -- if you aren't doing avant garde shapes on purpose. But... Continue Reading →

A Hamster In The Hand

  I've been taking school pictures this season and had the opportunity to include this adorable mascot the other day. Artie even got a badge made, though I imagine he'd chew it up given the chance. It's nice to know there are still classroom pets out there. I know there is a possibility of animal... Continue Reading →

How’s Your Perspective?

As a photographer and father, I strive to see the world from as many angles as I can. For images, it's to see or show something new, fresh or compelling. As a parent, it may be to keep my kid safe or find our way to a new adventure. In all cases, even bringing video... Continue Reading →

Sharpen Your Skills

Sharpen your skills. This is usually meant in a very specific way, whether you are studying something technical and precise, or aimed at a specific field or job. But as a Renaissance-minded creative, or jack of all trades, or generalist, as you might call me, I see that it can apply to anything, which can... Continue Reading →

Hello! Been Very Busy

Being busy is great. Being very busy is kind of annoying, because while you might be enjoying what you're doing, you also would like a little time to do other things on your to do list, or your screw around list. Oh well. This guy gets it. Technically though, there is no such thing as... Continue Reading →

Conflict and Resolution: Well, Excu-uuuse Me!

Storytellers like to say that all stories, good stories, have conflict and resolution. There is a challenge that confronts the hero, and by the end of the story you have some closure -- either the hero has new resolve or a solution has been achieved. There are exceptions of course, sometimes that hanging thread makes... Continue Reading →

Morning People Are Cheaters

Yeah, I said it. Oh, must not be a morning person... well, duh! Maybe I'm a morning person on the wrong side of the planet? How about that? Maybe I'm a night person who just realized that morning people slept in from yesterday afternoon. It would certainly explain why they are so peppy and excited... Continue Reading →

Why Is Special Event A Caution Sign?

I didn't mean for a metaphor to hit me over the head while I was just driving down the street, but seriously.    As creative types, we will often take any excuse to detour around things, just dropping our good habits for a few minutes or hours or days. The delighted and self-destructive among us... Continue Reading →

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