Music Video Or Ad? (Always Both, Right?)

Last week I posted directly on the Facebook page for this blog after I created a promotional video for an upcoming concert and the client had issues publicizing it with their own Facebook post. SERVICE WITH A SMILE I may get into how I captured and created the visuals later, but let's get... Continue Reading →

Hello! Been Very Busy

Being busy is great. Being very busy is kind of annoying, because while you might be enjoying what you're doing, you also would like a little time to do other things on your to do list, or your screw around list. Oh well. This guy gets it. Technically though, there is no such thing as... Continue Reading →

Conflict and Resolution: Well, Excu-uuuse Me!

Storytellers like to say that all stories, good stories, have conflict and resolution. There is a challenge that confronts the hero, and by the end of the story you have some closure -- either the hero has new resolve or a solution has been achieved. There are exceptions of course, sometimes that hanging thread makes... Continue Reading →

Capture Creativity Quick

So one of the difference between successful people and -- let's say less successful people? -- isn't the ideas. It's sharing them. It takes a lot of work, but we can take the first step very easily. If your goal is producing creative content, jokes, stories, music, art, whatever.... the trick is to capture the... Continue Reading →

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