March To The Beat Of Your Own Steel Drum

Taken during the downtown Phoenix Festival For The Arts. The featured image is a portrait rather than a wide angle, and gives a great example how framing can create a different mood and feeling with the same subjects. Here he seems empty and alone, maybe even ignored. In the portrait there is height, perhaps something... Continue Reading →

Her Name Is Rio

And she really likes Duran Duran (my wife) so I thought the new Prisma style would be a nice fit. Yes, those are tall, real saguaros, planted in a pattern outside a museum. One of the benefits of living in Arizona is seeing them around a bit. Though cactus needles are far from friendly. Prisma... Continue Reading →

Advertising Pays The Bills

I get it. Keep in mind if something is free but shouldn't be, you might be the product. That doesn't always mean shady, like this blog is free right? But we're all trading for something: money, barter or attention. Anyway, Prisma has a new style. It's a free app from so how do they make money?... Continue Reading →

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